Download the Factsheet on Bylaw Enforcement here
Q. How are bylaws enforced?
A. While certain bylaws require proactive monitoring for compliance, the majority of bylaws are enforced on a complaints basis. This means a complaint from the public must be received by the Village for enforcement action to be taken.
Q. When should a complaint be submitted?
A. The Village is responsible for investigating written complaints received from the public about alleged violations of municipal bylaws within the municipal boundary. Common complaints include:
- Excessive noise
- Unlicensed businesses
- Use of a property that is inconsistent with its zoning
- Development of a property that is inconsistent with its zoning
- Development outside of property lines
- Fence disputes
- Snow/ice removal
- Animals at large (off the dog owner’s property and not under direct control of the owner)
- Illegal dumping
- Spills
- Overnight camping in undesignated areas
- Parking in undesignated areas
If you are uncertain whether your concern represents a violation of a municipal bylaw or whether the concern is within the Village boundary, contact the Village Office at 634-7100 for assistance.
Q. How should I submit a complaint?
A. The Village encourages residents to attempt to resolve disputes amicably between neighbours before contacting the Village Office for assistance, unless it is unsafe to do so.
Complaints need to be submitted in writing. You must provide your name, address and phone number and describe your relationship to the complaint. Should you refuse to provide this information, no action may be taken by the town staff unless the issue poses urgent health, safety or environmental concerns.
Please ensure you also provide detailed information about your complaint including a description of the issue as well as the location(s) and time(s) of the alleged infraction and the name of the person or business involved (if known).
The Village will receive complaints in the following ways:
- By email to
- In person at the Village Office (Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm)
- If issue poses urgent health, safety or environmental concerns, contact us by phone at 634-7100.
Q. Who is responsible for enforcing bylaws in Haines Junction?
A. Most bylaws are enforced by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). However, certain bylaws may be enforced by the RCMP (e.g. parking, overnight camping, noise), or Conservation Officers (e.g. illegal dumping). If you are uncertain about who to call, you can call the Village Office for assistance at 634-7100.
Q. What happens after a written complaint is submitted?
A. Once a complaint is received, the complaint is investigated by the Village to assess whether a contravention of a municipal bylaw has occurred.
It may be determined that complaints received will be considered either as a civil matter between the two property owners, or as a minor non-enforceable infraction. These issues may include trees overgrowing property lines and fence disputes (we enforce fence height regulations but not siting.)
If it is determined that a contravention has occurred, enforcement actions are decided upon based on the circumstances of the contravention.
- Enforcement actions may include:
- Providing notification that an infraction has occurred
- Providing information about how to comply with relevant bylaw(s)
- Municipal ticketing
- Direct enforcement (Village staff or contractors remove or resolve the non-compliance at the property owner's cost)
- The laying of charges under the bylaw provisions
- The seeking of a court injunction
Enforcement is increasingly costly to the person/business the longer they are in non-compliance. Should complaint issues arise on an ongoing basis, charges may be placed against the property owner and eventually collected as taxes.
Q. Are complaints confidential?
A. The identity of the complainant will be kept confidential and will not be released to the person/business who is under complaint.
In rare situations, the Village may be required to settle a matter in court. A complainant may be requested or required to act as a witness.