The Threadbearer's celebrated 20 years of quilting and friendship in 2012. As quilters we are a diverse group with interests in various fiber arts, such as knitting, crocheting, beading, embroidery, sewing etc.... Several in our group sell their products at the summer art co-op at the Anglican church or do commissioned work.
Our skill and creativity has grown and evolved over our years together. From our first quilt class with the now infamous "May Basket" pattern we have shared ideas, taught each other new quilt techniques and developed our own styles.
As a group, we have become committed to creating quilts to raise money for cancer research and for persons receiving chemotherapy at WGH.
In 1999 we made our first group quilt, with 16 quilters contributing a square for "Quiet Times" for the Hospice room at the HJ Health Center. About the same time we also made a sampler quilt that was purchased by several Haines Junctionites and donated to the Yukon Arts Center in memory of our friend and fellow quilter Joan O'Neill who developed cancer.
For many years we sent quilts to Stratford, Ontario to the Quilt Project which auctioned the quilts on-line and at a gala each autumn to raise money for breast cancer research. We also made a quilt for the Run For Mom for a raffle and it was featured on the t-shirts that year.
Every fall we organize a weekend at the school and have a true quilting bee to sew lap quilts for the chemotherapy room at WGH. Patients are given a quilt of their choice to use while receiving their chemo and then can take them home at the end of treatment.
The babies and grandchildren of some of our quilters are snug under a group quilt made for them.
The Village logo was made into a quilt as a Millenium project and hangs in the Convention Centre.
In 2013 the quilters were commissioned to sew a quilt for the new Haines Junction Visitor Centre. The "Kluane Quilt" was inspired by the region's natural and cultural history. Raven tells the story of the Kluane area from his perch in the woods.
We meet biweekly September through April at the St Elias Community school. We organize quilting weekends at the school throughout the winter. We also do a 3 day retreat to Kluane B&B at Silver City in the fall and spring.
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