Running For Council

Nomination Day: September 26, 2024
Deadline for submission of nominations: noon


The Municipal Act was amended in 2022 to add one year to the current three year term -- see S52(a) and (b). This means that the next municipal councils elected in the Yukon will serve a four-year term. 


To be eligible for election as Mayor or Councilor, you must be a qualified voter. This means you must be a Canadian citizen on the day of your nomination, and be at least 18 years of age on election day. In addition, you must have lived in the municipality for at least one year immediately preceding election day.

A number of situations or occupations disqualify a person from holding municipal office. These include:

  • an employee or salaried officer of the municipality who has not obtained a leave of absence without pay to run for office; 
  • having been convicted of an election offence under subsection 51(7) or sections 160 to 163 of the Yukon Municipal Act in the previous four (4) years; 
  • having been convicted of an offence under Section 254 of the Yukon Municipal Act within the previous five years; 
  • if they are a judge, including a judge of the Territorial Court; 
  • if they are indebted to the municipality for an overdue debt exceeding $500, other than a debt for current year taxes, or a debt for provision of a basic service under a program that meets the requirements set out in subsection 252(2.02) of the Yukon Municipal Act; 
  • if they are currently under sentence for an indictable offence; 
  • if they cease, before election day, to be entitled under Section 48 of the Yukon Municipal Act; or 
  • if they are a member of the Yukon Legislative Assembly, a member of Parliament, or a chief or councilor of a Yukon First Nation.


Nominations can begin any time after the Village of Haines Junction Municipal Election Bylaw #411-24 has passed third reading and has been adopted. Bylaw #411-24 passed first reading on July 24, 2024, and is scheduled for second and third reading on August 14th. 

The nomination paper, and instructions for nominations, are available in the 2024 Candidate's Guide to Yukon Municipal Elections

In order to become nominated to run in your local election, you need to do the following: 

  • get your nomination paper signed by at least ten qualified voters (it is advisable to have more than the minimum required in case some of your nominators are not qualified voters);  
  • complete and sign the “oath and consent” portion of your nomination paper; and 
  • return your completed nomination form to the returning officer no later than noon on September 26, 2024.

Again, the deadline for submission of nominations is noon on September 26, 2024.

Candidates Guide

The 2024 Candidate's Guide to Yukon Municipal Elections provides information on local governance, the nomination process, the election process, and key dates to be aware of.  

Once elected, training and orientation is provided to new Council members by the Association of Yukon Communities and Yukon government's Community Affairs.  Village staff also prepare a Transition Briefing Binder for new Council members to support their transition into their new role.


Where only one candidate is nominated, or exactly the number of candidates required for the number of seats are nominated, the returning officer will declare the candidate or candidates concerned, elected, once the time for a challenge has expired.

Grant of Poll (Election) 

If there are several people competing for the same office, the returning officer will call the election and publish the names of candidates, the dates and times of the advance and regular polls, and the location of polling stations in your community.

The Joy of Governing (your how-to guide to optimal governance)

The Joy of Governing handbook was commissioned by the Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) and is a must-read for anyone considering running for a Mayor or Councilor position in a local government in a Yukon community. 
